Discovered in 2010 at the European Capital Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, my association engagement in Junior Chamber International (JCI) gave me the opportunity to develop many leadership skills, team management, soft skills and initiate new projects.

The Junior Chamber International (JCI) is a non-profit international non-governmental organization, which is politically and religiously independent. Between the ages of 18 and 40, its members are creative, courageous and open executives willing to develop new skills through their active involvement within JCI.
With active members in more than 100 countries and on 5 continents, it has 6,000 local chapters and more than 200,000 members.

Some projects initiated within JCI:
Fit4Jobs:coaching young Swiss people to help them in their apprenticeship search
JCI Youth Lab:Summer camp in Geneva on sustainable development for teenagers from Europe and Japan
Global Youth Ambassadors:French-Japanese collaboration on sustainable development goals

The JCI Youth Lab group at the UN

More information:
Local: JCI Geneva International
National: JCI Switzerland
International: Junior Chamber International