The 2030 SDGs game (Sustainable Development Goals Game) is an experiment that helps understanding why sustainable development goals are important and what our possible impact is to build a world that matches our values.
This game was developed in 2016 in Japan, launched in 2019 in Switzerland and France, with more than 600 certified facilitators in Japan and 50 worldwide.
For more than 4 years, it has been a great success in Japan. This game, which has become a powerful and impactful social phenomenon, enjoys wide media coverage and reaches more than 150,000 participants. 2030 SDGs Game events are organized in corporate, governmental, educational, and community settings.
Game session at the Kanazawa SDGs Conference (Japan)
Game goals and description

Goals of
the game: This game provides a playful understanding of why we need Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This card-based multiplayer game offers a real-world experience to participants who simulate what the world might look like in 2030.
Game description:
Participants receive time and money to complete projects and work towards their goals. The world condition meter (economy, environment, society) will evolve accordingly.
Which result implies the way you play the game? Will you create a prosperous, fair and sustainable world?
Or will the world in 2030 be even more unbalanced than it is today?
Thanks Antoine Louisgrand for his graphic facilitation

Requirements and
unfolding The game is designed to be played by 5 to 50 players. It is possible to play with about 100 players; with several parallel ‘worlds’ running at the same time.
The gaming experience lasts about 1 hour.
The recommended duration for the overall experience is 3 hours; including the presentation of the SDGs, the rules’ explanation, the active phase of the game and the important group reflection following this playful moment.

This game is open to everyone, even if you have no prior knowledge of the SDGs. It has been played by major global companies, government officials, students, activists and others. The more the participants in the game come from diverse backgrounds, the more it will represent our society.
More information about the game in Japan.
Participants testimonial on the game
How can I bring the game to my community?
We are looking for venues and community leaders who are interested in hosting games. This game is a tremendous resource and catalyst for anyone who wants to inspire, motivate, and empower your community or organization to embrace a vision of a sustainable world.
If you are interested in hosting the game, please contact us using the form below.