Hvad deltagerne siger om spillet:
I Europa:
Le jeu “2030 SDG’s game” est un excellent moyen de comprendre la complexité du développement durable. Adélaïde nous a d’abord présenté les ODD, puis le principe du jeu, qu’elle a ensuite animé avec aisance et clarté. Au cours de la partie, nous avons été amenés à faire des choix sur les projets à mener, en fonction de nos objectifs respectifs et de la nécessité d’avoir un impact global équilibré sur les plans économique, social et environnemental. La finesse des interactions entre les participants a illustré à merveille la complexité des jeux d’acteurs pouvant s’établir sur un plan global. Aurélie Tacquard, spildesigner (Frankrig)
I played the 2030 SDGs Game twice: once with a Jaycee group and once with some friends at home with Adélaïde as facilitator.
I really enjoyed playing the game, taking the “real world” into the year 2030. You realise that the resources of the earth are common and that we should not focus only on your individual needs. You realise that you can hardly achieve your goals without the others and that it is crucial to collaborate with other people.
Alexandre Pascal, ejendomsmægler og frequent flyer (Frankrig)
At the JCI world congress in Tallinn in November 2019, I was lucky to participate in the 2030 SDGs Game without really knowing what to expect. After an inspiring introduction to the game by Adélaïde and her team, the players received some resources and project cards with social, industrial or ecological tasks. At first, everyone was focussed on their own task, but we quickly realised that we can achieve more by collaboration. After the game’s first half, Adélaïde gave us an assessment about our group achievements. For me, the game illustrated very vividly how humanity’s greatest challenges can only be tackled as a global community.
Florian Reuter, medlem af JCI (Tyskland)
What makes the game so full of impact is that, it forces you to prioritize, rethink the goal, and find out the weak points — I believe you mentioned the lovely economic term “trade offs.” We can never win something fully 100%, but clearly in the game, partnerships, and ability to prioritize help towards finding a balance! It is fascinating!!!
Petek Jenkins, Restaurantejer (Danmark)
I loved playing the 2030 SDG’s game! It not only taught me a lot about the different goals that we MUST achieve by 2030 but also about how everything influences each other. There are many different aspects to every goal which I hadn’t really thought of before playing the game. I also had lot’s of fun playing it. I highly recommend it!
Benjamin van Bunderen Robberechts, deltager i JCI Youth Lab 2019 (Belgien)
It clearly demonstrates that you can only achieve sustainable development by collaborating and having a balance between economic, social, environmental objectives. It makes you think about your values/principles (economic, social, environmental). Fiona Zimmermann, Senior Research Associate (Svejts)
I Japan:
I Caribien
Introduktion til 2030 SDGs-spillet
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